Lady Gaga Gives Birth to an H.R. Giger Baby

By Katie Kenny / Boston

Before we begin, here’s the newsworthy music video: Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way”

H.R. Giger was totally an influence in that video right? Was I the only one who saw it?

The first of two music videos for Gaga’s sequel to Madonna’s “Express Yourself” (yea I know it’s been said before but it’s so true) has finally been released after much anticipation. The second installment will only be available on iTunes and will contain the acoustic version of the track.

This nail-biting build up could quite possibly be a result of her egg entrance at The Grammys as this video continues her theme of rebirth. It could also be because fashion photographer, Nick Knight directed the kaleidoscope/slimy/”oh-my-god-did-she-just-give-birth?” video. Unfortunately I am not too up to speed with the Gaga goings on.

I am a big fan of Gaga’s music but feel like that spark of hers is missing from the song, “Born this way.” The music video on the other hand leaves a vivid impression. At times I cringed yet couldn’t look away. Other times I just wanted to politely ask the “lady” to close her legs. Don’t argue with me by saying “it’s about birth and blah” because she always finds a way to expose that crotch of hers. All in all, she has done it again: she has sparked discussion, exposed her body (but this time she is very bumpy) and created a stimulating and artistic music video. This time we didn’t get any breaks in the song (I hate that “Telephone” video mostly because of Beyonce but also because the track stops and starts constantly) so that’s a Hooray right there.

“Thus began the beginning of the new race. A race within the race of humanity, a race which bears no prejudice, no judgment, but boundless freedom.” Do I think she’s changing the world? I don’t know if she will end prejudice but the woman helps some people find their voice. We need some Lady Gagas in this world. You know, instead of the Ke$has and Lindsay Lohans.

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