Charlie Sheen Interviews Go Surprisingly Well

…If everyone watching them are as high as he is.

Watch parts of the interview here.

How dare I judge. Of course this situation is "normal"

Charlie Sheen used NBC, TMZ, ABC and CNN to get back at CBS for pulling the plug on Two And A Half Men by giving interviews to anyone who will have him. The man is on the TV, the radio and now the good old Twitter machine,which he set up a few days ago. It is a safe assumption the recently unemployed TV star wants to be heard.

Looking extra crazy on Monday morning, Sheen told one of his interviewers the producers of the show should “publicly [apologize] while licking [his] feet” and then increase his paycheck to $3 million per episode. Sympathy sighs for the mistreated and underpaid actor were heard around America.

Yep, that was blatant sarcasm.

“I am on a drug,” Sheen said. “It’s called Charlie Sheen. It’s not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.”

Thanks for that, Charlie.

One of his girlfriends (he calls both of them his “goddesses”), Natalie Kenly says all three of them are just “hanging out” and they are “normal people.” They don’t party because his young twin boys are there with them.

This changed tonight a little over an hour ago when L.A. police took the boys from Sheen and took them to their mother, Brooke Mueller.

"Are you here for drugs?"

“These women don’t judge me. … They don’t lead with opinion. They don’t lead with their own needs all the time,” he said.

That’s great for him but his ex-girlfriend, Lindsay Wagner sends out a warning to his new “goddesses” saying “run.”

Remember the days of his scene-stealing cameo in Ferris Bueller? Sitting here watching the Tuesday night 20/20 interview where we take a look in his house and meet his two live-in girlfriends, is a cringe-worthy experience.

Where did this popular and talented actor go wrong?

What happened to him?

–   Katie Kenny / Boston

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