The Line For The iPad 2 Started In Texas

By Ian Kenny / New Jersey and Katie Kenny / Boston

Over 4 days in a tent outside of a retail store? That's dedication!

It’s finally here. Not like it has been a long time coming but Apple, Steve Jobs and the whole gang have created iPad the sequel. Doesn’t it feel like the first one just came out?
The anxious, Justin Wagoner didn’t care when he became the first in line at an Apple store in Texas. The MacCast blog was the first to report him being the first in line and snapped the picture above.
Mr. Wagoner knows how this process works too as he was one of the first to get his hands on the iPhone 4. This time he was letting everyone know all about his little campsite from his Twitter account, @iJustinOfficial saying that he’s been there since Sunday.
As of right now, our favorite lover of all things made by Apple is one of the first in the country to being holding the extra skinny iPad 2.
The iPad has been widely featured as the future of hand held gaming and with it’s faster processor and improved gyroscope it should prove to be a major contender in the portable gaming market. Later this year the iPad 2 will find itself in direct competition with Nintendo’s highly anticipated 3DS, which will be available on March 27th, and the Sony NGP, set to ship sometime in the fourth quarter of 2011. This should prove to be an interesting match up considering each company is taking a very different approach to their respective hardware. The NGP is said to boast graphics that rival the PS3 and Nintendo is focusing on their patented glasses-free 3D while Apple promises that it’s unique touchscreen and gyroscope movement interface has been tweaked to improve responsiveness.
Former Apple iPhone Game Technologies developer Graeme Devine gave a very insightful talk at this year’s GDC discussing the need for more exclusive titles for the iPad as opposed to new ports of existing games. Hopefully this will mean that Apple recognizes the need for content over hardware capability as Nintendo has proved time and again when pitted against competitors with superior technology.
Unfortunately, it’s hard to get a clear picture of how the iPad will evolve as a gaming platform until we begin to see some of the new titles being designed.
Was it worth it, Justin?

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