Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel

By Julie Davis / Boston



To most people, Hugh Hefner, seems to be the most famous playboy in the world today, even though he’s all wrinkly and old, at the age of 84. Everyone sees him as this rich old man who seems to be surrounded by millions of hot and sexy bombshells 24/7.

However, being a huge fan of his reality TV show, I have always admired him. And yes, many people may think that he’s gross because he’s so old and is with young women all the time. But I am so happy there is now he has a new documentary that sheds light onto who he really is which will help people get to know what he’s really done for our world beyond sex and pleasure.

Netflix has recently added the documentary, Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel to their “Watch Instantly” documentaries list. YAYYYYY

In the documentary Hugh takes us through his life of not just being a playboy, but also as a rights activist, literary and journalistic writer and humanitarian. Who would have thought?  We learn that Hugh Hefner was a huge supporter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Hef helped improve civil rights for African Americans at a time where African Americans were not taken seriously in the entertainment industry. His TV shows Playboy after Dark and Playboy’s Penthouse were the first shows where Americans saw African American artists perform live.

Hef also takes us into his world of journalism and about the articles he liked to write in the Playboy magazine with some of the most cutting-edge journalists. It’s crazy, the magazine I thought of as just girls posing nude with boobs hanging out and butts stuck out, actually had articles and was actually read for those articles.

Did any of you know that Heffie once sent his Playboy bunny jet to airlift a bunch of orphaned babies and children from Vietnam during the war? He even had his Playboy bunnies go on and take care of the kids.

I found it amazing how Hef was an activist fighting for abortion rights and women’s right. For example, birth control, which many of us ladies are happy about, is here partly because of Hef’s efforts.

I wish Hef were my uncle or grandfather. All of the things he’s accomplished in life and the goodness and size of his heart makes him amazing. I like the fact that he gives a lot with his fame and fortune away. I love his obsessions for movies and cinema and how even though he is at such an old age, he still keeps in touch with his inner child, he still works and has fun.



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