Jameson Whiskey

By Julie Davis / Boston

Sooo, St. Patty’s day is here! Or is it St. Paddy?

I don’t know. I always see or hear it two different ways and hadn’t noticed it until today actually haha. I’ll sticky with Patty’s.

I spent it in LA last year with my amazing sister, her boyfriend and friends, so I was hoping to spend it here in Boston this year (where it is a pretty big deal since Boston is surrounded by Irish pubs and Irish people). Unfortunately, I will be spending it in good ole Michigan with my boyfriend. It works out because his favourite drink of choice is Jameson Whiskey which  so happens to be Irish.  See the connection?

Hehe St Patty’s day….. Irish Whiskey!!!!???

Instead of drinking green beer like last year, I think I’ll celebrate it with a bottle of Jameson Whiskey.

When I goggled “Jameson Whiskey,” I kept seeing the same word: SMOOTH. SMOOTH. SMOOTH. But honestly, I never really realized that until now when I think of it. It’s what I’ve always thought of Jameson whiskey, but could never figure out the exact way to describe it. YAY because of this article, I finally know!

My favourite way to drink Jameson whiskey is with apple juice. So yum yums! If you love apple juice, you should definitely try it. It’s not harsh at all. Another very very yummers way is with cranberry juice, I tell you!

The best part though, are the commercials. They always relate to the history and the legends of the great (alcoholic) character John Jameson and how much he cherished his whiskey. The best commercial is when he dives into the sea to retrieve his whiskey barrel and fights a GINI (ginormous) octopus.

Have a good St. Paddy’s day everyone!

Oh shish! I meant Patty’s day 

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