TV Show Round Up: Tuesday

By Lindsay Burrill / Boston

To help summarize the best moments of the week, Joel McHale puts together the funniest clips of those shows you really don’t want to spend the time watching. Here’s what I found to be his best stuff for the week (I guess that means I’m summarizing a summary).

Bethenny Frankel learns about a big gay ice cream truck, The Bad Girls Club got a new housemate, who apparently has a drinking problem…or is it a peeing problem? You decide. Phil on Survivor, the “ex-federal agent,” gets a little gropey with his fellow castmates.

Here’s the condensed soup, but trust me, it’s worth watching the entire episode. The show airs every Friday night, on E!


V-ABC, Tuesdays

V has been approved for a second season, and thankfully, the final episode packed some actual punch to it. There was more action in this one episode, than really all of the first season put together. So what happened? You know what they say, death comes in threes.
Val delivered the V-human baby hybrid, and looked at the baby in the same fashion Rosemary did in the epic horror flick. Then she is stabbed with a scalpel. And we don’t even get to see the little critter! You do see a weird looking tail thing though. You can also give a “later dude,” to Doctor Joshua, who insisted to Erika to shoot him, in order to keep her Fifth Columnist status under wraps. Then Anna flips out when she discovers her soldier boys dead. She decloaked the armada, and turned the sky red (enter episode title, Red Sky/Blue Sky).  All tips lead to more actual battling for next season, and…arguing?

New Episodes


It stars Joel McHale, which you would assume would make it hilarious. He did have some funny one liners throughout the episode but for the most part it was pretty serious. There’s a paternal rights issue, and meanwhile Britta is dating a genocidal freak show. Not a lot of laughs, and no big deal if you skip this week’s episode.

In The Week Ahead

SYFY, Tuesday: Premiere of Marcel’s Quantum Kitchen


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