Dreaming About: Music Festivals

By Sarah Schneider / Boston

While I’ve been to quite a few concerts, I can only say I’ve been to one music festival. It was freezing, and I was slightly under dressed, but more than anything, I was ill-equipped.

After fighting my way to the front, I soon realized I was trapped. I’d have to burrow my way through the hordes of people to get to food and water, something I was not willing to do since Dylan was going on next. Instead, I begged the girl next to me for a sip of her water. She gave it to me, thankfully. Next time, though, so I don’t need to ask strangers like a person who wants to be drugged and murdered, I’m bringing my own backpack chockfull of water and Special K.

Ideally, it would be the beautiful Hunter Rucksack from Bill Amberg. Also ideally, I’ll be wearing Zara’s crochet dress and the House of Harlow 1960 earrings I’ve been coveting for months. Maybe by next year’s Coachella.

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