Nintendo’s Next-Next Gen Console

By Ian Kenny / New Jersey

It came a little earlier than expected but the rumors are flying that Nintendo will be announcing it’s newest console at this June’s E3. Codenamed “Project Cafe,” the new hardware will reportedly not be the heavily rumored ‘WiiHD’ but an entirely new console that boasts better graphics than the PS3 and the Xbox 360. This comes as a very bold statement considering Sony’s claim, made earlier this year, that the PS3 had not yet reached the halfway point of it’s lifespan.

In the last console war, Sony won the battle on graphics, due largely to the fact that Sony took it’s sweet time adding a Bluray player and a more advanced chipset. Traditionally, Nintendo has time and again chosen cutting edge game-play over graphics so it will be interesting to see how they combine the two. They have to figure that since theirs will most likely be the first next-gen console on the market that the graphics of their hardware will eventually be exceeded by Sony and Microsoft, who will undoubtedly focus on the best way to utilize the newly announced Unreal 3 Engine with Direct X 11.

The one feature the Wii had that kept it competitive with the other hardware of the current generation was the price.  Until recently, the Wii had been the cheapest console on the market and it’s motion controllers were the envy of the other console manufacturers.  If Nintendo’s new brainchild is as graphics intensive as they are claiming their console will no longer have that edge, but considering the company’s famous track record for bestselling launch games they should have no trouble dominating the market.

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