Archive for April 22nd, 2011

April 22, 2011

Easter Recipe #2: Bobotie (Sassy South African Meatloaf)

By Inge Kellermann / Boston

Bobotie is a traditional South African Dish. Initially the Cape Malay introduced it in South Africa, but that every generation changed and smoothed it out to what it is today.

Try it, it’s a real treat!

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April 22, 2011

Easter Recipe #1: Maple Eggs

By Allie Ferrara / New York City

Photo Credit: Love At First Bite blog

I have great memories of Easter holidays past. Who doesn’t love an excuse to gorge on chocolate bunnies, wear pastels unashamedly for one day of the year and if you’re the church going type, don a Kentucky Derby-esque wide brim hat to services because it’s Easter and why the hell not.

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April 22, 2011

I’ve Always Been With COCO

By Katie Kenny / Boston

Out of the Leno’s, the Letterman’s and the other late night talk shows, in my opinion, one host (not just his bold red locks) has always stood above the rest: Conan O’Brien.

It could be his sideline comedian, Andy Richter, it could very well be the hilarious skits (his trip to Ireland is a dear one) or maybe it really is his hair that makes him get people chanting “Coco! Coco!” All I know is that he doesn’t need to take a coveted Late Night seat to be the best because as audiences have proved: He is the freakin best.

I could go into great detail but instead I will leave these videos to do the talking.

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