Childhood Movie Pick #1: Back to the Future Trilogy

By Andrew Luk / Boston

Picking a single childhood movie out of dozens is ridiculous. For that reason I will choose a trilogy.

I wouldn’t say the Back to the Future Trilogy was a life changing experience. It didn’t serve as a gateway into a meta-physical realm of the space-time continuum, causing one to question the validity of the present versus the past and present. If death is simply just another state of being, or if justice truly exists or are chaos and war part of the fundamental human condition, or if we should instead cease all violence and show compassion to all those around us, feeding and clothing the poor, thereby uplifting them so that we may engage in scientific innovation and explore space, together, in a outstanding show of cooperation, as a single human race.

There were no such implications. There was however, Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, a pimped out Delorean, parents presented as buffoons, and bully who gets his ass kicked. All the winning elements for an entertaining childhood experience.

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