Childhood Movie Pick #4: Ghostbusters

By Helene Hamady / Boston

When we were all alone in the crib, there was something strange goin’ on, when gloom was in the room, and we were watchin’ the tube, Nader and I were calling GHOSTBUSTERS!

My cousin Nader and I would sit in our blue and red front-row plastic chairs in our Teta’s (grandmother) house, singing “we ain’t afraid of no ghosts”…but oh how we were.

We started with the cartoon version, and ended with the Bill Murray-1984 version, and there was no limit on how many times a week it would be played. The Ghostbusters’ first encounter with a real pretty/ugly ghost in the library was indefinitely the most scarring.

By contrast, the cutest, most [literally] edible character that makes an appearance to terrorize New York City is the gentle giant STAY PUFT MAN! So in conclusion, a six-year-olds’ worst fear that might’ve arisen from Ghostbusters was the grave possibility of being slimed…

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