The Royal Wedding

By Lexi Boddy / Newport, Wales

The regal day has dawned (almost); one more sunrise and tomorrow morning in this glorious country of mine (where astonishingly the weather has been outrageously good for the last fortnight), a new princess will join the long line of royals in our monarchy.

The good news for all us commoners is that we’ve been granted the day off work so that we can watch in anticipation (along with an estimated 2 billions others worldwide) as Catherine Middleton walks down that long Westminster Abbey isle wearing a dress designed by none other than the princess-to-be herself. Of course, all the while admiring her husband and praying she doesn’t trip on her train.

If it were me (and one wishes this scenario occasionally), currently I would be experiencing severe turmoil, angst and hopefully happiness would grasp a sneaky sneak in there, but the girl must be absolutely beside herself with fear and nerves for the most outwardly important day in her entire existence.

Since the royal engagement, our nation and indeed the whole spiffing world has gone loopy*, nattering* on about ‘Kate-this’ and ‘Kate-that’. What soe’er* this and that may in fact be has ranged from the regular collectables and memorabilia to the downright outrageous (we have contraception gracing our store shelves displaying the faces of the couple). Her parents have even sold her soul for Readies* in a book entitled ‘From Pigtails to Princess-in-waiting’.

With the relentless pursuit to discover the designer of Kate’s wedding dress finally over with the revelation of that someone being she, we can all but wait to see the next section in her fashion history. She has brought a classic and fabulously British style back to the high streets highlighting her endless array of fascinators* and tweed (although I can’t imagine it’s a good thing to make tweed readily available for mini chav* Middletonians* to get their paws on!)

I certainly do wish Wills and Kate all the best for tomorrow and will be celebrating in style with bunting*, royal cupcakes, patriotic flags, tea and scones and a splash of champers*! Now I know that doesn’t match the 63 street parties that have been planned to take place in the county of Yorkshire (up North) but never the less I’m paying my homage. How will you be celebrating the Royal Wedding?

Cheers dahlings*, enjoy the big day!

*For those of you from across the pond… Here’s some fabulously British terminology (In order of appearance):
Loopy = crazy
Nattering = talking
What soe’er = what so ever = whatever
Readies = British slang for money
Fascinators = a decorated head piece, smaller than a hat
Chav = British definition for an aggressive teenager, typically unemployed or of white working class background, who repeatedly engages in anti-social behaviour .
Middletonians = Kate Middleton copy-cats
Bunting = celebration decorations – flags on a string!
Champers = champagne
Dahlings = darlings with some phonetic twang

Just for laughs, y’all should watch this!

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