Archive for ‘Love It/Hate It (celebs)’

April 19, 2011

A Review of Coachella 2011

By Julie Davis / Boston

Empire of the Sun

It was like walking on a dream watching Empire of the Sun.

Amazing performers Their music was perfect, I could definitely find myself swaying back with my mind just all into the music. They sang all the songs that I love from them really well. They had the best performance. The awesome and highly detailed costumes and dancers and choreography were the best part.


I hadn’t heard of them before but going to the performance in the mojavi tent was amazing. We posted up right in the front to get a good place to listen and feel the crazy bass of the beats. I ended up loving them. I am definitely going to go download their album now!

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March 15, 2011

Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel

By Julie Davis / Boston



To most people, Hugh Hefner, seems to be the most famous playboy in the world today, even though he’s all wrinkly and old, at the age of 84. Everyone sees him as this rich old man who seems to be surrounded by millions of hot and sexy bombshells 24/7.

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March 10, 2011

This is “the most hardest thing” Snooki’s ever done

By Katie Kenny / Boston

There are two things people won’t want to admit.

One is that they watched Jersey Shore last Thursday (and every Thursday before that) and two, is they are really tempted to at least flip through the pages of the new issue of Rolling Stone which hit news stands the following day.

I am not the most frequent Rolling Stone reader but the last one I got had John Lennon on the cover with the lost passages from his last interview.

The next time I notice this iconic magazine is when I see the self proclaimed “meatball” straddling a rocket. Now I didn’t open it up so maybe the answer is inside and I’m just being ignorant but… what in the hell is Snooki doing on the freakin cover of Rolling Stone dressed as a hooker cowgirl riding a rocket of all things? If it’s because of a stupid metaphor or whatever I give up.

In the interview she explains the origins of her look saying, “while everyone else went emo or goth, I evolved into the guido lifestyle, with the tanning, the pouf high hair and the hot clothes, and everyone was like, ‘Oh, my God, you look so hot,’ stuff like that. It was sexy.”

I don’t think anyone said that, Snooks.

This isn’t the first time the Shore has graced the cover but who is she to be singled out? What has she done? Did she join the other useless reality stars and make a sex tape? Gross.

If you did watch the latest episode (and stayed awake through it) you might have had the same reaction I had: Snooki is the typical lonely and desperate drunk girl we all giggle at when it’s not our friend.

I feel bad for the girl most of the time. As much as she seems to be a nice (definitely trashy) girl, she is famous because she is stupid and annoying.

Sorry Snooks.

March 8, 2011

Oscars 2011: What the hell happened?

By Jenni Davis / West Coast Correspondent


I can’t remember the last time I missed the Oscars and that’s because I NEVER do…

So there I was getting all excited and setting my Tivo to record it, making sure I had it taped on both E! and ABC and had enough food to feed a small village on my bed, all the while knowing this year was particularly special for me because my one and only love of my life (James Franco) was going to host the Oscars…I mean, have you SEEN the man?!?

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March 8, 2011

Tuesday Night TV Show Recap

By Lindsay Burrill / Boston

Feel Good Shows


GLEE: Fox, Tuesdays at 8 pm

The Glee club does two hot numbers that totally make this week’s episode worth watching. First, a rendition of Jamie Foxx’s “Blame It On the Alcohol”, as well as Kesha’s “Tik Tok“. Plus, there’s an epic vomiting scene and a very surprising make out between two Glee Clubbers that you’d never see coming. Does the show exaggerate high school issues in an over the top way? Yes it does…but you gotta love the style they do it in. How can you resist people randomly bursting into song? You did that in school right?

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March 2, 2011

Charlie Sheen Interviews Go Surprisingly Well

…If everyone watching them are as high as he is.

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March 1, 2011

Lady Gaga Gives Birth to an H.R. Giger Baby

By Katie Kenny / Boston

Before we begin, here’s the newsworthy music video: Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way”

H.R. Giger was totally an influence in that video right? Was I the only one who saw it?

The first of two music videos for Gaga’s sequel to Madonna’s “Express Yourself” (yea I know it’s been said before but it’s so true) has finally been released after much anticipation. The second installment will only be available on iTunes and will contain the acoustic version of the track.

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