Archive for ‘Play It’

April 25, 2011

Duke Nukem Forever: Come get some!

By Ian Kenny / New Jersey

Let me just say that I was very, VERY lucky that my parents did not pay a lot of attention to the games I was playing in high school or I would never have gotten my hands on the original Duke Nukem 3D.  It’s over the top violence, campy one-liners and badly rendered naked strippers provided an endless source of amusement for high school Ian.

Without further ado here is the new trailer for Duke Nukem Forever:

April 21, 2011

Nintendo’s Next-Next Gen Console

By Ian Kenny / New Jersey

It came a little earlier than expected but the rumors are flying that Nintendo will be announcing it’s newest console at this June’s E3. Codenamed “Project Cafe,” the new hardware will reportedly not be the heavily rumored ‘WiiHD’ but an entirely new console that boasts better graphics than the PS3 and the Xbox 360. This comes as a very bold statement considering Sony’s claim, made earlier this year, that the PS3 had not yet reached the halfway point of it’s lifespan.

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March 28, 2011

MTG Mechnic Discussion: Infect


It’s been awhile but my friends have convinced me to get back into Magic The Gathering and I fell off the wagon hard.

Earlier in the week I bought a Mirrodin Besieged booster box so I could catch up with some of the new mechanics in this artifact heavy set and I have to say that infect is my new best friend. Now before the haters move in for the kill let me just say that I am a casual player; I don’t play in tournaments and only occasionally do I attend Friday Night Magic and booster drafts. If you want advice on building highly competitive decks then you probably will not agree with most of my suggestions since I play to have fun and not to win money.

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March 11, 2011

The Line For The iPad 2 Started In Texas

By Ian Kenny / New Jersey and Katie Kenny / Boston

Over 4 days in a tent outside of a retail store? That's dedication!

It’s finally here. Not like it has been a long time coming but Apple, Steve Jobs and the whole gang have created iPad the sequel. Doesn’t it feel like the first one just came out?
The anxious, Justin Wagoner didn’t care when he became the first in line at an Apple store in Texas. The MacCast blog was the first to report him being the first in line and snapped the picture above.
March 9, 2011

Unreal Engine 3 with DirectX 11: Are We Ready For The Future?

By Ian Kenny / New Jersey

During this year’s GDC Epic Games, the developer behind the Gears of War game series, unveiled the new Unreal 3 Engine. The demo video which followed the big reveal has set the gaming community ablaze with rumors and discussions regarding the future of gaming. This new engine supports Directx 11 graphical features and the demo was intended to show developers what games played on a next generation console could look like.

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March 6, 2011

Does the ‘Dead Island’ trailer go too far?

By Ian Kenny / New Jersey

There are many things that piss me off about video games.

For example, Bioware’s widely acclaimed title ‘Mass Effect’ (one of my all time favorite games) was showered with praise for successfully incorporating RPG elements with cinematic visuals and a compelling story in what could have otherwise been a very mediocre cover shooter. This being said the vehicle sections had me pulling out most of my hair as my MAKO decided to explore a very interesting looking cliff face all on its own whilst being bombarded by multiple Geth turrets.

‘Dead Rising 2’ was ruined for me by the fact that the whole game was on a timer. The game sucks you in with promises of dismembering zombies with a canoe paddle with dual chainsaw attachments but no time to enjoy any of your improvised weapons because if you don’t get to your checkpoint in 3 minutes YOU LOSE!

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March 4, 2011

Garden State Gamer: Ian Kenny

Check out the awesome (and heavy!) Lancer made by TriForce from the Gears of War game.

I’m one of the many poor souls who dreamed of breaking into the entertainment industry at a young age, but settled for a corporate job when the bills started to roll in.  So now in my attempts to suppress the bitterness within, I sit atop my high horse and criticize the people who actually made it.

Iconic Things or People:

Zombies, Hayao Miyazaki, Hunter S. Thompson, Gene Roddenberry, My Little Sister

TV Shows:

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rurouni Kenshin, Farscape, Avatar: The Last Airbender

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February 24, 2011

Sectioning Off

We haven’t launched yet but we are testing out the sections. Take a look at the different pages to find out what we are going to be writing about.