Archive for ‘Watch It’

April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding

By Lexi Boddy / Newport, Wales

The regal day has dawned (almost); one more sunrise and tomorrow morning in this glorious country of mine (where astonishingly the weather has been outrageously good for the last fortnight), a new princess will join the long line of royals in our monarchy.

The good news for all us commoners is that we’ve been granted the day off work so that we can watch in anticipation (along with an estimated 2 billions others worldwide) as Catherine Middleton walks down that long Westminster Abbey isle wearing a dress designed by none other than the princess-to-be herself. Of course, all the while admiring her husband and praying she doesn’t trip on her train.

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April 28, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #5: Titanic

By Allie Ferrara / New York City

Here's the poster I had in my room for four solid years

If you’re +/- 30 years old then you remember the heart crushing love you had for Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic.

It was certainly my favorite flick at ten years old. I even saved the water bottles I consumed at the theatre as some sort of nouveau homage to the Titanic itself; to be cherished and cataloged, uncovered one day to mark my eternal love for Leo.

April 28, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #4: Ghostbusters

By Helene Hamady / Boston

When we were all alone in the crib, there was something strange goin’ on, when gloom was in the room, and we were watchin’ the tube, Nader and I were calling GHOSTBUSTERS!

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April 28, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #3: Kindergarten Cop

By Inge Kellermann / Boston

My favorite childhood movie is ‘Kindergarden Cop’, Arnold does it for me. The movie is filled with action, hot Arnold and romance. What more could a girl ask for?

Here’s my favorite quote from one of the adorable kid actors:

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April 27, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #2: Jack

By Julie Davis / Boston

Jack is the best! Do you know who he is?

If you don’t you should def try and watch this super cute childhood favorite of mine. Featuring the funny and crazy Robin Williams as a young boy who is diagnosed with a disease where his body ages four times faster than a normal human being. He appears to be a 40-year-old man but really at heart is a carefree and loving ten year old that loves to play in empty boxes and wears power ranger pajamas.

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April 26, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #1: Back to the Future Trilogy

By Andrew Luk / Boston

Picking a single childhood movie out of dozens is ridiculous. For that reason I will choose a trilogy.

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April 22, 2011

I’ve Always Been With COCO

By Katie Kenny / Boston

Out of the Leno’s, the Letterman’s and the other late night talk shows, in my opinion, one host (not just his bold red locks) has always stood above the rest: Conan O’Brien.

It could be his sideline comedian, Andy Richter, it could very well be the hilarious skits (his trip to Ireland is a dear one) or maybe it really is his hair that makes him get people chanting “Coco! Coco!” All I know is that he doesn’t need to take a coveted Late Night seat to be the best because as audiences have proved: He is the freakin best.

I could go into great detail but instead I will leave these videos to do the talking.

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March 23, 2011

TV Show Round Up: American Idol News

By Lindsay Burrill / Boston

Last week, America said goodbye to Karen Rodriguez. Haley Reinhart and Naima Adedapo were the bottom two saved from elimination.

11 contestants remain, six male, five female.


The guys and girls opened the elimination show with a West Side Storyesque battle, singing a mashup of “Born to be Wild” and “Born this Way.” The season 9 champ, Lee DeWyze  sang “Beautiful Like You” and The Black Eyed Peas performed their new single, “Just can’t Get Enough” (they dedicated the performance to Japan).

As for the contestants, last week was all about songs from the year they were born (wow, Casey Abrams, 1991…really?):
Naimia- “What’s Love got to do with It.”
Paul- “I guess that’s why they call it the Blues.”
Thia- “Colors of the Wind.”
James- “i’ll be there for you.”
Haley- “I’m your baby tonight.”
Stefano- “If you don’t Know me by Now.”
Pia- “Where do Broken Hearts Go.”
Scott- “Can I trust you with My Heart.”
Karen- “Love will Lead You Back.”
Casey- “Smells like Teen Spirit.” (or Casey’s BO).
Lauren- “I’m the only one.”
Jacob- “Alone.”

March 22, 2011

Here’s what you missed last week on the box: The Roast of Donald Trump

By Lindsay Burrill / Boston

By far, the funniest event on TV last week goes to the Roast of Donald Trump, hosted by Family Guy’s Seth McFarlane.  The usual roasters Jeffrey Ross, and Lisa Lampanelli were in attendance, but sadly Greg Giraldo was not. He passed away in September, but newby Anthony Jeselnik handled the job well.

Special guest roasters included Larry King, Snoop Dogg, Whitney Cummings, Mike Sorrentino, aka the Situation (yeah, he was invited for some strange reason, but I’ll get to his terrible performance in a minute) and Marlee Matlin (deaf actress, currently on celebrity apprentice).

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March 22, 2011

TV Show Round Up: Tuesday

By Lindsay Burrill / Boston

To help summarize the best moments of the week, Joel McHale puts together the funniest clips of those shows you really don’t want to spend the time watching. Here’s what I found to be his best stuff for the week (I guess that means I’m summarizing a summary).

Bethenny Frankel learns about a big gay ice cream truck, The Bad Girls Club got a new housemate, who apparently has a drinking problem…or is it a peeing problem? You decide. Phil on Survivor, the “ex-federal agent,” gets a little gropey with his fellow castmates.

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