Posts tagged ‘Beer’

April 19, 2011

A Review of Coachella 2011

By Julie Davis / Boston

Empire of the Sun

It was like walking on a dream watching Empire of the Sun.

Amazing performers Their music was perfect, I could definitely find myself swaying back with my mind just all into the music. They sang all the songs that I love from them really well. They had the best performance. The awesome and highly detailed costumes and dancers and choreography were the best part.


I hadn’t heard of them before but going to the performance in the mojavi tent was amazing. We posted up right in the front to get a good place to listen and feel the crazy bass of the beats. I ended up loving them. I am definitely going to go download their album now!

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March 4, 2011

All Will Meyers Told Me About Brewing My Own Beer is to be Clean

By Katie Kenny

Check out my next entry to hear about my first brewing experience

A couple months ago, I wrote an article titled “Tapping into Boston’s Craft Beer” and was lucky enough to interview the Cambridge Brewing Company’s brewmaster, Will Meyers. This article was the reason Boston Brew started and Meyers helped me out a little when I made my own brew at home.

The beginning of this interview is in the previous post so if you haven’t read it you best get on it.

Alright, so I hope you know that you have an awesome job title. What exactly does a Cambridge Brewing Company “brewmaster” do? Where do you get your inspiration and what is your process for crafting your brews?

Well, I direct an amazing brewing staff of four, and together we make incredible, award-winning beers! We focus both on traditional interpretations of well-known beer styles and on obscure beer styles, and on experimental brews never before seen on earth.

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March 3, 2011

Boston Brew Returns and She’s got a Brewmaster.

I went back home to Hong Kong for a holiday. Here we see what I did most of the time.

By Katie Kenny / Boston

In the spirit of superhero movies (examples: Batman and Superman) I, Boston Brew returns to the blogerific world. I am a journalist who has always loved beer. Nowhere near as much, however, until I decided to write a 3,000 word article on craft beer in Boston. I hopped from one barstool to the next, pint glass to pint glass and spoke to a few of the big dogs in the Boston beer world in efforts to learn all I could before making my own brew. Having been compared to a mad scientist on a number of occasions when caught in the middle of the brewing experience, I eventually decided to leave it the professionals but I still continue to search for the perfect pint, this time with a whole keg full of knowledge (too cute? I promise I’ll stop).

If you are unfamiliar with this humble Boston beer loving interweb experience you can catch up by clicking RIGHT HERE. Ha blogging humor.

Alright, now that’s out of the way let’s get to it.

I regularly review bars and beers and pretty much comment on anything to do with beer. This time I am giving you an interview with the Cambridge Brewing Company Brewmaster, Will Meyers. I tried cutting it down but the man has so much to say (and all good) so I left as is and will only split the interview into separate posts.

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