Posts tagged ‘Childhood Favorites’

April 28, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #5: Titanic

By Allie Ferrara / New York City

Here's the poster I had in my room for four solid years

If you’re +/- 30 years old then you remember the heart crushing love you had for Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic.

It was certainly my favorite flick at ten years old. I even saved the water bottles I consumed at the theatre as some sort of nouveau homage to the Titanic itself; to be cherished and cataloged, uncovered one day to mark my eternal love for Leo.

April 28, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #4: Ghostbusters

By Helene Hamady / Boston

When we were all alone in the crib, there was something strange goin’ on, when gloom was in the room, and we were watchin’ the tube, Nader and I were calling GHOSTBUSTERS!

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April 28, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #3: Kindergarten Cop

By Inge Kellermann / Boston

My favorite childhood movie is ‘Kindergarden Cop’, Arnold does it for me. The movie is filled with action, hot Arnold and romance. What more could a girl ask for?

Here’s my favorite quote from one of the adorable kid actors:

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April 27, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #2: Jack

By Julie Davis / Boston

Jack is the best! Do you know who he is?

If you don’t you should def try and watch this super cute childhood favorite of mine. Featuring the funny and crazy Robin Williams as a young boy who is diagnosed with a disease where his body ages four times faster than a normal human being. He appears to be a 40-year-old man but really at heart is a carefree and loving ten year old that loves to play in empty boxes and wears power ranger pajamas.

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April 26, 2011

Childhood Movie Pick #1: Back to the Future Trilogy

By Andrew Luk / Boston

Picking a single childhood movie out of dozens is ridiculous. For that reason I will choose a trilogy.

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