Posts tagged ‘Travel’

April 27, 2011

Eight Days in Korea

By Mikyung Kim / Hong Kong

I got four wisdom teeth taken out in Seoul last Monday. It was a bit strange transitioning from constantly moving and doing a gazillion things in India one day to being basically comatose and immobile the next day in Korea. I was given the nickname “The Grinch” because my cheeks were so swollen and green from bruising, haha!
Wisdom teeth survival guide: stock up on Korean yogurt and fruit juices!
April 27, 2011

Travel Section says “Hello!”

Summer is upon us (well those not in Boston because we just can’t seem to catch a break. April Showers bring May Flowers… blah blah blah. It seems more like freakin April downpours to me. It’s May this Sunday so I want to see some flowers.) which means half of our staff is graduating and almost every single one of us is going on a trip some where.

As an international bunch, we are more than happy to share our travel stories in “Travel Diaries” and a little bit about the town we have moved to in “My Town.”

Our group is about to shift a little with new writers coming in (they’ve been waiting to finish school first) and all but 3 of the Boston Branch moving far away from Boston (so sad).

Hope you enjoy our new section and possibly get some ideas for trips!