Posts tagged ‘Video Game’

March 6, 2011

Does the ‘Dead Island’ trailer go too far?

By Ian Kenny / New Jersey

There are many things that piss me off about video games.

For example, Bioware’s widely acclaimed title ‘Mass Effect’ (one of my all time favorite games) was showered with praise for successfully incorporating RPG elements with cinematic visuals and a compelling story in what could have otherwise been a very mediocre cover shooter. This being said the vehicle sections had me pulling out most of my hair as my MAKO decided to explore a very interesting looking cliff face all on its own whilst being bombarded by multiple Geth turrets.

‘Dead Rising 2’ was ruined for me by the fact that the whole game was on a timer. The game sucks you in with promises of dismembering zombies with a canoe paddle with dual chainsaw attachments but no time to enjoy any of your improvised weapons because if you don’t get to your checkpoint in 3 minutes YOU LOSE!

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